Not too far from home is an off-leash dog park. The first time Gus got to go, he was so happy! He could run and jump and chase other dogs and make all kinds of new friends. There was a beautiful chocolate lab there and Gus just followed him around the park, step for step and move for move, I swear he wants to be a lab when he grows up. Most of the dogs there are really well behaved, but Gus was still learning his name and who he belonged to, so getting him to listen was hard sometimes, but he usually would come looking for Momma if he got too far away from her. It was so much fun, just watching this little guy come into his own at the park. He was friendly, sweet and ready for fun. He still doesn't know how to play fetch or catch, but he sure likes chasing the dogs that are chasing the ball, lol. They think it's pretty weird that this little guy runs so hard after them, but doesn't care about the ball, but it works for them all. Once in a while we'll come across a dog that's not so nice. There was a mean chihuahua once and a cattle dog that tried to swing Gus around by his tail. That one made me mad because his owner thought it was just so funny to watch his dog try to grab my guy by his tail. Very mean! Gus is just a sweet, friendly guy and most of the dogs know that he just wants to be friends and have fun.
One of the funniest trips was a day when Gus met two Akitas.
Now these Akitas were very tall, probably 4 times the size of Gus, but they just had a blast playing with him. Their owner told me that they really liked smaller dogs and it sure seemed that way. One was playing chase with Gus and he ran through a small pond that came about knee high for him, Gus chased him in and the look on his face when he realized he was in over his head was just priceless! Young Gus just doesn't much care to go swimming. Poor thing!
Now these Akitas were very tall, probably 4 times the size of Gus, but they just had a blast playing with him. Their owner told me that they really liked smaller dogs and it sure seemed that way. One was playing chase with Gus and he ran through a small pond that came about knee high for him, Gus chased him in and the look on his face when he realized he was in over his head was just priceless! Young Gus just doesn't much care to go swimming. Poor thing!
For most of the summer and into the fall, I would try and get Gus to the dog park at least once a week, sometimes twice. He had so much fun and it was such a joy to see this little, scared guy gain
confidence and just having a blast. He would run and jump and play in the mud and just be so silly! I don't think I've seen a dog smile as much as Gus does when he goes to the park.
I still try and get him over there as often as I can, but it's been harder this summer. Now that fall is here, I need to get him there more. We went this morning and he just had so much fun again. Next time we'll tell you about his trip to the farmer's market. We hope you liked this installment.
Anne and Gus