OK, this is my first real experience with blogging and I'm not really sure what I'm doing, but here goes. This is a blog, or probably to be more honest, a love affair with my dog Gus. Gus is the first dog I've ever owned on my own, not as an entire family's dog. He was named in honor of the first family dog I remember, which was a Scottish Terrier and my Dad's baby.
My Gus was a shelter dog, yea he really was. I've been told he's a mix of Bichon and Coton de Tulear and when I've looked at pictures of the Cotons he is very like them and bigger than the average Bichon. He has that super soft hair that the Bichons and Poodles seem to have, but it's the look in his eyes that to got me. It was just a mix of sweet and rascal that was hard to resist
He was a scared, scruffy, matted ball of fluff when we brought him home in May 2010 and it's taken a year to get him at least starting to feel comfortable. He's still not totally sure about my husband Dave and Miss Cat, our 7 year old tabby, scares the bejeezsus out of him.His best buddy though is a cat we rescued as a kitten named Ivan the Terrible (more about Ivan another time). Gus was the best 'momma' dog a kitten could have had. He carried that little guy all over and now a year later, he still tries to carry Ivan around. Ivan just goes 'rag doll' on him and lets his good buddy Gus just drag him around for a while.
I hope to get some video up of the pair of them soon, so check back and remind me if I haven't. In the meanwhile, please share some stories of your favorite pals. I'd love to read them.
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